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It feels like yesterday...
Friday, 1 June 2012
2 Comments:Jaki szczerbol... Happy Birthday Asiku ;* By Ola, at 1 June 2012 at 11:52 Oh my, that sounds like a really traumatic childhood :/ At least the birthday party looks big and proper. Take care :) By AgataL, at 7 June 2012 at 23:58 I thought it would be nice to upload photo on my birthday so here it is :]
Yes, that's me. I cant tell you how old I was then but I can only guess that I was about 2 - 3 years old. Little Asia was the youngest so she had many problems with her siblings. And these problems are what she was afraid of the most. My sister used to lock me in the basement and my two brothers would lock me in some kind of a cubicle with wood for fuel. These two places were full of spiders; that is why, today's Asia has arachnophobia. What else? Oh, there was a lake near my grandmother's house and we used to go there frequently. My dear eldest brother would drag me into water by my legs and I could only thank God that I had not drowned. Of course, today's Asia is afraid of water lol.
However bad it sounds, my siblings took care of me a lot. Especially my eldest brother who even had something like a paternal affection.
As you can see in the picture, I have always prefered male toys. I still find them more interesting (my computer nerd personality wooo!). Moreover, as I heard, I was everyone's favourite teddy bear to cuddle. I was, apparently, very kind and sweet then haha.
That's all for today. I hope you have enjoyed this blog so far :]